Friday, October 21, 2016

Can We Be Adults Here?

                                               Image result for no free speech

Our generation seems to grow more sensitive each time a touchy subject is brought to the surface. We are living in a time where our 'common ground' only encourages anger and dispute. Where has the spine of our nation gone when we need it the most?

The First Amendment guarantees America's freedom of speech. It is our constitutional right that nobody is allowed to take away. But it seems like we are being more restricted then ever by not having total speech 'freedom' such as in high schools, colleges, and certain public areas. Back when it was first created, freedom of speech had been under threats and sometimes compromised. Now our generation (the millennials) do not care as much for free speech as it had been yearned for in the past.  

Colleges and universities are stopping speakers from coming on campuses because of demanding students wanting only 'safe speakers'. The kind that do not bring any message that they would consider to be intolerant to students. This uprising has been increasing in recent months, and there is now 'an outbreak of liberal concern'. Because of arguments coming back to rebound on itself, older American liberals recognize the seeds of intolerance sown because of them. The ideology of inclusiveness and diversity is prevailing among campuses, yet in that note, inclusiveness and diversity is what's being shut down. 

Speakers on campus must speak only about what is deemed okay by the students. The LGBT issue is one of the most controversial issues everywhere. For college campuses, the speaker must agree with the revolution of LGBT pride or else they will not be allowed there. This problem only brings forth a weakness among college students when in reality, college is supposed to make them grow up. It is not safe for education because  education requires the sharpening of the mind. Arguments, debates, and confrontation of different topics are what creates a stronger minded person ready for the real world. If someone gets offended or gets their feelings hurt, colleges now have a 'safe space' with blankets and puppies so that person can calm down. If college pamphlets had a section to dedicate their 'safe space' to, then you should think twice about what the message is. College equips you for life, and if you can't handle a little disagreement without being butt hurt, you shouldn't be in college. The real world doesn't have safe spaces, you have to get over yourself and actually live in a reality other than your imagination. 

When faced with the topic of free speech, most people would say that they of course like to exercise their rights. But what happens after someone disagrees with them on a topic? The issue created makes it okay for them to speak, but the people against them definitely do not have the right of free speech. This makes free speech a liability, not equal for everyone, just the person who thinks everyone else is wrong. 

We need to be the people that change this problem and use our right as Americans for free speech. How can we turn against free speech when the people protesting it are using their free speech? If they don't want speech, then they shouldn't be allowed to go through with what they want. With no free speech, we as Americans no longer hold power in our country as a democracy, and that is what America stands for.

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