Friday, November 18, 2016

Taking the Calexit

America's already stated crisis know as the 2016 elections has wiped us out. Following the streak of disappointments in our country comes "Calexit", meaning California's way of not accepting the outcome of Trump's obvious win. Instead of moving forward like the rest of our nation, we are out of step by moving farther to the left. Kevin de Leon, the Democratic president of state senate, has stated, "In California, we are decisively going in a different direction than the rest of the country.” So like most crying toddlers who don't get what they want, California has put up a useless fight that we must once again get through.    
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This increasingly diverse state has become a great upset in the lives of many Latino and Black families. They as a group were more likely to vote for Clinton because of obvious reasons and their vote would guarantee their safety. Of course that was the main reason that they voted, not caring about what the other candidate had to offer, only knowing that he was "racist" and wants to deport every non-white person in America. Wroooong. Trump stands for a different protection when he talks about a wall but people won't accept hearing something good about Donald Trump.

Many protests in California have already taken place. This includes fireworks set off, people stopping traffic in freeways, and the burning of a paper mache Trump. All of these prove that we are a mature enough state to do what want and not listen to the government. In Orange County specifically, a lot of people are resisting the president-elect. They declare, "Not My President!" on poster boards and signs for everyone to see. Those people think that they're so bad ass for rebelling against our country and thinking that they're gonna move out of America. Well then just do it already because we're tired of hearing about your propaganda and protesting b.s. 
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Jokingly, Governor Jerry Brown said that maybe we should build a wall around California, "To protect it from the rest of the country" if Trump was elected. And elected he was and now our state is in a state of hell. Heck, we might even get to have our own country if this succeeds. What more could we want?

With thousands terrified of Trump's presidency, they aim to fight and survive in this cruel world. One person protesting declares that, "California is not gonna take this." You may not want to take it, but if you want to live in this country you're gonna have to abide by the rules of our new president. Trump is going to have a hard time getting things in order and who knows how long it will take. But I believe that eventually things will calm down, people will lose their fire to fight a brick wall (no pun intended), and we can have an orderly state. People will still protest and try to start up another battle, but time after time it will die out. This leaves California at a crossroad, will they continue to resist or fight until something has cracked?

*sorry if this is a few min late, I had an interesting and busy grandparents day*

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Constantly Offended Award Goes To.......

I'm assuming you have watched or heard about the recent election because it's been the biggest, most shocking news of this year. The battle between parties has put this nation in a second civil war with all the fighting and ridiculing. Trump's victory over Clinton puts the Hillary supporters in a drunken stupor; yet at the same time, they're waking up to a whole new reality. 

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In continuance of the 'safe space' blog, there is a new level of infancy. People feel so distraught about Trump becoming president they need ways to cope with this tragedy, *faint sigh*. Multiple social media articles or pictures clearly show the sad state people are in. Snapchat has multiple stories on the post-election gloom of Americans all over. One specific article was titled, "How American women are caring for themselves after the election", followed with a, "need a hug?" This whole thing was filled with mushy crap like avoiding news and social media altogether, or keeping busy to ignore it. But we all know that this isn't going away, you can't wish it to be gone, and you can't keep being a sad S.O.B. Trump sure as hell isn't going to be soft about it.

Another thing people are getting is a safe space in college. "They encouraged students to take advantage of walk-in urgent care mental health services in the Student Health and Wellness Center or to call the campus advice nurse. Walk-in support and “healing spaces” were available..." We keep creating a generation of softies who don't want to hear what doesn't sound good to them. The thing about our nation is that we need to have a trophy. Not first place or second or third, but something that we all can have that doesn't make anyone else unhappy. Kind of like the participation medals you get in elementary school so you don't hurt the other team's feeling. Now we're out of that stage and onto bigger things, but adults and teens get their feelings hurt more than a 13 year old girl on her period. 

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Generation snowflake is definitely appropriate to describe us. I think we need someone like Trump to boldly say things about our country to give us some spine and something to stand on. Coming from a very bold family, I'm not easily offended by most things; I can take a hit. But it's different when you come from a family that discusses feelings or isn't so 'hard headed'. Eventually, you are supposed to grow up and college is usually the place where this happens. You cultivate your own thoughts and beliefs and act on them. Instead, what our generation wants is a place where their ideas don't get corrected or criticized. It kind of hurts our image when maybe in the future we were looked upon as those people who needed some comforting words after the election didn't go our way.

Read more here:

Friday, November 4, 2016

"Would You Like to Reconsider?"

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America seems to be crushed by the oppression of the 2016 election. Everywhere we look we are slowly tearing apart at the seams. What used to be a great nation, proud of their democracy, now sends people cowering in the shadows of the undesirable future. The question we need to consider, is how we as a united country are going to fix the brokenness. What also seems to be twisting everyone's panties is the uncomfortable, gloomy fog over the other countries and their new opinion on American democracy.

The unnerving part of this election is that other countries no longer view America as a "model" for a good political system. Instead, they are glad that they are not like us at this current moment in our momentous, history making. The article clearly states that the election on November 8th is more than just who will be sworn in to office; they are going to watch to see who will have the best system of governance in the world. What a great way to kick off the election, but putting the pressure on what could be a turning point for America and her people. Of course as America stands, we want a government that collides with our original beliefs and statements, of, for, and by the people. But in order to do that we'll need to do more than just 'up our game.' 

Our political system is essentially on trial, and we're losing to a totalitarian corporatism which advertises much higher growth and better leaders. The citizens and leaders of America need to involve themselves in the betterment of our nation. We have to be better at "making the expectations of democracy clear here in The United States of America." Our nation has certain ideals that set it apart from other countries and their government. "This constitutional republic, a representative democracy, is only made possible because of certain ideals, and beyond those ideas certain political commitments, and behind those commitments a very clear worldview." That worldview is what defines us as humans, our dignity, our rights; and we are losing our hold on that worldview.

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What part of America needs is a little bit of our old ways mixed in now, but will those ideals work out? People are choosing to elect the "lesser of two evils" and those two candidates are considered a crook or a clown. Not many can take them seriously with all the media portraying them in ridiculing ways. We take more out of what the candidates look like, how they dress, their gender, skin color, etc and base our ideas on that instead of actually listening and applying what they propose to America. Whatever is happening to democracy globally should be our main focus.

Concerning our nation, what is happening now is on a need to know basis. More people everywhere are aware of our government now that is seems to be the laughingstock of the world. They take it as a joke and don't realize the severity of America's problems and the situations that are weighing us down. Democracy is something we should be proud of and if we want to protect it we need to grab it by the horns. If we don't, shouldn't we reconsider everything we ever stood for?