Friday, November 11, 2016

The Constantly Offended Award Goes To.......

I'm assuming you have watched or heard about the recent election because it's been the biggest, most shocking news of this year. The battle between parties has put this nation in a second civil war with all the fighting and ridiculing. Trump's victory over Clinton puts the Hillary supporters in a drunken stupor; yet at the same time, they're waking up to a whole new reality. 

                                          Image result for sad statue of liberty
In continuance of the 'safe space' blog, there is a new level of infancy. People feel so distraught about Trump becoming president they need ways to cope with this tragedy, *faint sigh*. Multiple social media articles or pictures clearly show the sad state people are in. Snapchat has multiple stories on the post-election gloom of Americans all over. One specific article was titled, "How American women are caring for themselves after the election", followed with a, "need a hug?" This whole thing was filled with mushy crap like avoiding news and social media altogether, or keeping busy to ignore it. But we all know that this isn't going away, you can't wish it to be gone, and you can't keep being a sad S.O.B. Trump sure as hell isn't going to be soft about it.

Another thing people are getting is a safe space in college. "They encouraged students to take advantage of walk-in urgent care mental health services in the Student Health and Wellness Center or to call the campus advice nurse. Walk-in support and “healing spaces” were available..." We keep creating a generation of softies who don't want to hear what doesn't sound good to them. The thing about our nation is that we need to have a trophy. Not first place or second or third, but something that we all can have that doesn't make anyone else unhappy. Kind of like the participation medals you get in elementary school so you don't hurt the other team's feeling. Now we're out of that stage and onto bigger things, but adults and teens get their feelings hurt more than a 13 year old girl on her period. 

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Generation snowflake is definitely appropriate to describe us. I think we need someone like Trump to boldly say things about our country to give us some spine and something to stand on. Coming from a very bold family, I'm not easily offended by most things; I can take a hit. But it's different when you come from a family that discusses feelings or isn't so 'hard headed'. Eventually, you are supposed to grow up and college is usually the place where this happens. You cultivate your own thoughts and beliefs and act on them. Instead, what our generation wants is a place where their ideas don't get corrected or criticized. It kind of hurts our image when maybe in the future we were looked upon as those people who needed some comforting words after the election didn't go our way.

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