Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Electoral College

From the uproar of millions of Americans, we can tell that the Electoral College has become much more of a problem than it has been over the past election years. People claim that this is taking away their rights as citizen, and we should consider this as an important matter in our understanding of the government. I do think that we should speak our minds and have power as a group of people in our country, but it all depends on if we deserve that power to change the Electoral College.
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Being on of the people's favorites, Hillary Clinton has stated that, "I believe strongly that in a democracy, we should respect the will of the people, and to me that means it’s time to do away with the Electoral College and move to the popular election of our president.” In our recent election that surely was an argument between Hillary supporters and Trump supporters. Although Clinton won the popular vote, Trump seemed to have won the electoral vote overall. 

The Electoral College was made to give smaller states a chance to represent and to be fair to their size. It was also created for the reason that they didn't think, "The common man was informed enough to pick a suitable president," so the electors would "stand in for them." Its an all or nothing vote for the candidate that the state's representative has picked. This exact event happened back in 2000 against George W. Bush and Al Gore in which Gore won the popular vote but Bush won the electoral vote, therefore having won the presidency. 

                                          Image result for clinton and trump fighting over votes

This conflict has only happened about five times since we began electing presidents for our country. A democrat had won the popular vote but in the end lost the electoral vote to a republican. That seems to be a great victory for republicans, but that didn't stop Democrats from saying that the Electoral College should have been thrown out years ago. They attack the method on which the president is elected because they are upset that things didn't go their way. The losers of the 2016 election fight for the destruction of the Electoral College in order to restore true democracy to everyone.   

Some states have already made a system where they do not get rid of the Electoral College but they twist it in a way. "A single candidate is awarded all of a state’s electoral votes — regardless of the popular vote — and instead apportioning them to reflect the breakdown of each state’s popular vote." This awards the candidate of their popular vote the Electoral vote as well, without the hassle or confusion of what has recently happened. And I'm sure they want this to spread among other states as well. This can become reality when enough states are in agreement with this change.

The power has been left to us to vote and choose our candidate, and if we want, we could truly take out the Electoral College of our government system. But we have to realize the pros and cons of each choice we make that we think is for the betterment of America and her people.

(An Electoral College Definition)

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