Thursday, August 18, 2016

Abortion as a positive good: How the Abortion Movement Echos Radical Slavery Rhetoric

We have taken for granted the life God has given us. The millions of babies aborted each year don't have a chance at that life. Much like abortion, slavery created the atmosphere of a "positive good". Now people celebrate the fact that women have the right to kill babies without consequence.

Back during the times of the civil war, it was illegal for a woman to have an abortion; she would be punished if caught. Still it did not stop them from finding ways to abort their unwanted baby. Today, it is almost as if having an abortion is encouraged. One woman from the abortion article stated that, "To succeed in life all we need are the tools, the trust, and the chance to part our own path... That is why I decided to do what was best for me- to have an abortion." And that's the thing. Since you got pregnant it is now not all about you. You will have someone to look after and care for, wouldn't that be the best thing for them? Why don't they have the right to live? This dehumanization is similar to that of slavery. Slavery extremists spouted their belief that African Americans are a different species, a result of a separate creation act. They also stated that eventually the superior races must come together and eliminate all inferior races. Abortion activists and crowds cheer the same way for pro-abortion the same way white people cheered for the bondage of other human beings.

To make it seem like getting an abortion is ok, it was said they were making: "Safe, legal and rare." Abortion is neither safe nor rare, and it should not be legal. The 50 million aborted babies worldwide do not indicate that this is a rare problem. And there are many health issues and complications with having an abortion. About 68,000 women die annually from an unsafe abortion, which is about 13%. Yet desperate women continue to risk their lives by going through with it. 

Women as individuals are praised for being set as an individual. Nobody can tell her what to do with her body, it's her will over anyone else even in the case of life or death of a human being. Women should not have to "submit" themselves to any authority, even to what the father of the unborn child has to say. Wouldn't it be the same thing for the life of the slave? Why should an authority be placed over the life of another person. As for the slave owners, they rejected all cultural, legal, and religious restrictions on slavery because it doesn't "apply to them." Their belief is that they alone should govern their own rights in the south.

The same people that think gun control is ok, think that abortion is just fine. Because in reality, they kill more people than guns do. A different interesting thing, I think, is the fact that if I were pregnant right now, I could go get an abortion. But if I wanted to go get my ears pierced or get a tattoo, I need parent permission until I turn 18. So this obviously shows how much society cares about our well being, as well as the unborn children. Our toleration for abortion now was close to that of slavery back then. Hopefully we can soon figure out that it is just as horrible an act.


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