Friday, January 6, 2017

Economy and Debt

Image result for debtWe are aware of the debt that is in our country but we do not fully recognize the seriousness of this flaw. Obama's presidency has not contributed to the fixing of this problem; of course he proclaims to want to devote his time to ending the debt but that's easier said than done. In the near future, we hope to see Trump use his business management skills to help America and its money fiasco. 

Nothing is more important to people than money, and that tends to get us into problems that we didn't plan on. If you don't pay bills, you loose your belongings, (maybe your life if you get into other dumb things, ha). America's money management doesn't seem to be working out too well at the time, that's why it is important to see what tax payers money goes into for the government. There are three different parts of our country's federal spending: Mandatory Spending, Discretionary Spending, and Interest on Federal Debt. 
Mandatory spending takes up about 2/3 of the federal budget. And of that part, Social Security takes up more than 1/3 of this spending with Medicare as the second highest amount spent. Together, SS and Medicare make up about 38% of the total federal budget. Other parts of this category include food/ agriculture, veterans' benefits, transportation, and 'other'. 
"Discretionary spending refers to the portion of the budget that is decided by Congress through the annual appropriations process each year." Congress determines how much they will spend on each part of the budget. In this section, military and the Pentagon is the biggest group of money spent, (as well as other well-known programs).

For 2017, Obama's proposal "calls for $4.2 trillion in federal government spending." His plan insists that there will be more job opportunities for young people to have and start them off. The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) combines with the health care system in order to lower costs and improve the methods of accessibility and distribution. "A clean transportation package totaling $32 billion per year over ten years that would create hundreds of thousands of middle-class jobs in an economy that still doesn’t provide enough opportunities for good-paying work."

His budget plan also includes proposals for increasing education funding by giving two free years of community college. This seems very generous but in reality it would cost the government $61 billion over ten years. In order to achieve this he would have to raise taxes to pay for something that not all people will go to. For example, public schools/teachers get paid by the people's taxes. My parents put me and my siblings in a private school and they pay for that separately; so it is like paying for something that I'm not using.

The president's budget plan is his vision for the country in 2017 and also for the future. "At a time of conflict over federal spending, the president’s budget is largely a political document... it shows the president’s priorities in detail." And his priorities are what keeps everything in order.

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