Tuesday, January 31, 2017

How Young Is Too Young?

A question on a website asks how young is too young to get married. A concerned mom  tells that her daughter is 'head over heels' in love with her boyfriend and that they planned to get married soon. This is from a Christian standpoint and her daughter and the man she plans to wed are both Christians and have known each other for a while. But her daughter being 19 and the man 22, it seems odd that they would marry that quickly. In our current times, people seem to be more into living together for a long time rather than marrying and living life, is it because they are scared of a 'real' commitment or has it become the norm?
age at marriage divorce

My whole problem with getting married young or too quickly is that you tend to be stuck in the romance and lust of your relationship. I believe that over a year and more you can learn more things about a persons attitude and heart. Kind of like a 'comfortable stage' where you aren't so uptight about being perfect and you can be yourself around them. I'm not totally against being married young, I just think that it's not the best idea. 

In response to the question in my first paragraph, the author states, "Young people are still figuring out who they are, and that's a problem for marriage. Insecurity, self-centeredness... lack of wisdom and little life experience are all factors that, to me, make young people less prepared for divorce." It tends to show that people who get married younger are more prone to getting a divorce. They also miss a lot of things that they could've done. Finishing their education or enjoying college, and now they feel "trapped in a commitment they were too young to understand when they made it."

Of course it doesn't always end this way. It is 100% possible to have a lasting marriage with the person you love at a young age. I just saying that from things I've heard and actual family stories of what they thought was love and were going to get married ended up in the man leaving and the girl becoming pregnant. And I also have a two cousins who are not married but they each had kids, one is still with her boyfriend and the other has had multiple partners. So why don't they just get married already then, what's problem. Don't they want to make a commitment?

I guess when its love, then you gotta act on your feelings right away. Heck, people in high school 'love' their significant other but those feelings can change in a heartbeat. When the average statistic for divorce is 50-60%, it doesn't seem like the smartest move to get married young. And waiting for 10 years isn't the best either. So technically, there is no correct age. You can get married when you want and things will be all fine and dandy.

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