Saturday, February 11, 2017

Abortion: The Safe And Legal Way To Kill Your Child

Image result for willie j parker

"It's not the right time." "It was an accident." "Oh it was too early, we're too young to have a baby" say the young couple. Ironic right? What you call a mistake was actually ordained by God and it was your choice to do the deed knowing there could be consequences. Upon looking up Willie J. Parker, it was plain to see that he is very well-educated and invested into the lives of women planning to have an abortion. He claims to be a truth seeker amidst his day job as an abortion doctor. Maybe the truth he was searching for was an act from God that says its ok to continue in your works. Now his conviction makes it seem like he has changed.

Parker first off states that he was torn from his religious understanding and what he felt was right. From what he is contemplating, all he had in his heart was good intentions. But we know that our hearts can deceive us. If he was truly wanting to live a life according to God's will, he would've read the Bible on how Christ cherishes every life. Jeremiah 1:5 says, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

One statement said by the interviewer would immediately set the tone of his whole stance, religious or not. "You concede in the book ("Life's Work") that abortion is, actually, a life-ending process." He could go two ways from here. Say yes, a fetus is a baby or no, it is not considered a life until after _blank_ weeks. But he goes to say, "A fetus is not a person; it’s a human entity." He lite-
rally just said a fetus is a human being. It says 'being' right there in the definition.

The feminist movement currently sweeps across our nation like a tidal wave. Most woman are furious that Trump wants an abortion ban in America and have called him every name including 'woman killer'. If anything, Trump is preventing killings by means of preventing woman to get an abortion. "Its my body, I can do what I want!" Parker wholeheartedly agrees with their cries of anger. He connects his heritage as a descendant of slaves to ownership of women's bodies, claiming to feel the same way they do. But we do not in fact have control of our bodies nor complete ownership, God does. I think Willie Parker would have known that being a converted believer.  

Clinics like Planned Parenthood give you the option to end what you have started, like a get out of jail free card. No consequence and no worry about caring for another human being. We need more places like A Woman's Friend, they offer help and advice, but they do not perform abortions. A woman can't keep 'hoeing' around and just expect to get an abortion if she gets pregnant, one time or anytime. That person shouldn't be allowed to have their own choice.

Related imageProbably a good chunk of women protesting for their rights and pro-abortion were born by 'accident' or were considered by their mothers to be aborted. I bet they are glad they're alive. Or would they stop to say, "well my mother could've done whatever she wanted." It's not like they would have a say in the matter then huh.

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