Saturday, March 4, 2017

Good Pay for Incompetent People

Raising the minimum wage can have an unintended result: the loss of men and women's jobs. Usually when you're getting payed the lowest amount, it's probably because you have a starter job. The point is to, sooner or later, get out and start pursuing a career or a higher paying job to fund your needs. But with the increase, teens and adults alike can live off the minimum by doing the minimum. 

Image result for minimum wageA raise in the average amount of money increases the money that we have to pay in tax. Therefore we are funding and encouraging the workers' laziness which is not doing them any good. Some lifeguards that I work with at the pool, complain for being payed so little for such "hard work." And I know for a fact that those people were the ones that didn't take much regard for being on time or forgot about their work schedule. They expected more out of their paycheck by scraping by and doing a half-assed job. 

According to the New York Times, and increase on the minimum wage will not hurt anyone. That it will, in fact, help reduce the number of people in poverty. In this article they do not address the issue of how the government plans to pay for the increase nor the factor that some people will be lazy during their work hours. Their words are that good of the pay increase results in "strong earnings effects” — that is, higher pay — “and no employment effects” — that is, zero job loss." If this is what the government encourages, then it is alright for you to stop your education because your fast food job is the holy grail of American society and the envy of all your friends.

Unfortunately, some people or students have to stay in a low paying job in order to pay for their education so that they can get a higher paying career job. It's crazy how that works. So maybe for the students who want a successful life, being payed the minimum is hindering their goals. And its hard to think about it this way when nobody is helping you out. Or maybe a family member has just been laid-off. How are you going to pay for groceries, get gas, pay the bills, and also get the kids to school while you look for a job that can manage for a while? This is definitely a problem that needs to be solved and sometimes it's just a pain in the ass to get a job even when you try your hardest.

Image result for minimum wageI do believe that a job is important and being payed little sucks sometimes. But the point is to get sick and tired of doing so little and to want to get a real job that benefits you and your community. Because lets be honest, would it be better to have another mindless drone in the lower jobs of society or to be creative and have initiative in your pursuit of a job that could help others? You have to start somewhere, now take the next step.

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