Saturday, May 20, 2017

A Turn of Events

We all know the affect that social media and movies has on this world; IT IS HUGE! If one thing happens across the other side of the earth, we will see it in a matter of minuets. If one celebrity or multiple people endorse a product, we feel more obligated to buy something. If our favorite actor/ actress is premiering in a new movie, we will probably want to go see it. All of these things that social media does tricks our brain into thinking that we need more of the newer, bigger stuff. It can also influence us to feel and act a certain way based on what we see. But, how is this an economic problem?

Image result for social mediaEverything is made up of choices. We go promote a movie by seeing it, wearing similar clothing, buying merchandise, etc. The recent show "13 Reasons Why" is a nationwide hit explaining what might happen when one decides to take their life. This show has had different effects on people and brought out some controversial opinions. For starters, we all have a choice and suicide should not be one of them. The show could have made it seem like they were simply justifying her death; but what I got out of it was that people need to be aware of what they say and do and that it can hurt. 
The show also has some negative effects which tend to stick more than the good message. Immature kids watching this could feel like the only way to get recognition is to "go out with a bang," thus influencing them to do something they regret or into a tragedy. This is a choice; to watch the show, to let it get to you, and how you choose to handle it. 

We already know the effect the media has had on the previous election, and still. Trump is one of the most hated men because social media and news want to make people believe that he is nothing but evil. They tend to ignore the cold hard facts and believe the first thing they see. I know that whenever I go onto Instagram, I see something about Trump. And negative always goes farther than positive. 

What we are facing a lot now is inequality and racism. We see it on t.v. and hear about riots and shootings and fights everywhere. People spread subliminal messages through pictures and quotes, we show what is happening in Korea and China and right here in America. Shouldn't that be more than enough to make it stop? This is how we get along. Most of us agree that this is bad so we endorse plans and actions to get rid on inequality. This the choice we made. And yet still, the negative can overpower the positive. People are still racist, this is a known fact. People want Muslims to leave because they are a threat, Trump wants to build a wall, someone makes a comment and they get bashed and are told to go kill themselves. It all revolves around a cycle of one person making a choice and the other tearing them down.  

Social media is a place where we share who we are, what is going on in the world, events happening, etc. Basically like a cult. And on social media we are free to share our thoughts, post what we want and as much as we want because that is what it was made for. But we are being tore down because of what we say and because nobody agrees with anything. Our freedom to choose will always be compromised by others freedom to choose because we think we are greater than the other.                               
                                   Image result for choice

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