Friday, September 9, 2016

Are "De Facto" Parents Making Adoption Meaningless?

"De facto" parents are presumably redefining parenting. These are the people that are involved in a child's life and are assumed to be the parent or a de facto parent. Parenthood is changing from the norm of regular marriages to LGBT couples and more. Legal rights for parents wanting to adopt is no longer associated with marital status, but it is also becoming a new continuing struggle for equal rights. 

Universally, parenthood is determined by descent from a father and mother, or in this case, by adoption. A ruling in 1991 denied parental rights to all "nontraditional families" such as unmarried opposite-sex couples, gays/ lesbians, and stepparents who wanted to raise kids. The restriction, as of then, for parenthood was stated that it should be limited "to biology and adoption." Therefore, the court established its consistency throughout basically all of human history. 
Now the courts have changed their mind and admitted to the damage it has resulted in, which means that our society has evidently changed its "sexual ethic." The original definition of marriage and being a parent has initially been erased from our minds and been corroded over by the new way that our society thinks.

What seems to be going on in the de facto parent situation are the problems with custody over the child. One case had a gay couple that separated at the time they had a child. The biological parent was clear in not wanting the other parent to have visitation rights to see the kid. But the court's statement was, 

"That going forward, a partner can seek visitation and custody if it is shown... by clear and convincing evidence that the parties agreed to conceive a child and to raise the child together."

Also in the article, it is mentioned that the term "conceive" did not mean what its original intent was. In this meaning, it is talking about couples having children but they aren't involved in the child's biology at all. There are now advances in technology that allow the reproduction of babies through test tubes, also called Vitro Fertilization Procedure. Behind this lies a morality that questions whether or not this is a good thing for mankind. This is the redefinition of human sexual relationships lurking in the shadows of the LGBT movement for equality.

Sometimes it is a difficult and dangerous thing for just anyone to become a de facto parent. It recognizes that some people can deserve custody even if they came into a child's life after their birth. This can set up situations in which anyone who has some relationship with the child can claim they are "de facto parents." This is what happens when the issue is challenged and brought to a court that now has to legally give rights to that person.

The movement that lead to this initial "victory for gay parents" was not about them, but for non-parents claiming to be parents. The court basically eliminated adoption as "the meaningful legal category that establishes parenthood without biological relationship." It has come to the point where we can no longer adopt because of choice. It makes sense that we have basically destroyed the word and meaning of "parent." We now have to draw a line between all these different parent types that cause confusion among people when in reality there is only one.

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