Monday, September 26, 2016

Who is Making America Great Again?

Image result for trump and hillary

In this 2016 presidential debate, Trump and Hillary argued the different needs and values of this country stirring the minds and hearts of everyone, voting or not. From all the social media and conflicts among people, this by far seems like one of the most popular campaign debates over the years. People want to see who will win, not necessarily because they care, but because they want to see a fight. The argument, in a sense, is the answer.

The first question of the debate was about achieving prosperity. Hillary's stance was essentially about building economy for everyone, not just those at the top. She wants new jobs and different jobs. Make the economy fairer by raising minimum wage and increasing women's jobs. Paid family leave, sick days (by having the rich do their part). 
Trump stated that our jobs are fleeing the country (china, mexico) they are "piggy banking us" and we can't allow this to happen. Companies are just using America. He wants to reduce taxes to 15%. He believes that renegotiating trade deals will help with the economy and communication with other countries. 
Hillary want to do all these things that will build the economy with things like solar panels, clean energy, etc. But these cost money and what Trump said was that we don't have the money ($20 trillion in debt) to have these luxuries. By raising minimum wage, we are raising our taxes and that's the last thing people want to do. Trump also questions why Hillary for the past 30 years of her being secretary has not found a solution to these problems. He attacks Bill Clinton by recalling "the worst trade deal, NAFTA, which includes Canada and Mexico." 

The next question was to inform the people of their plan to increase tax on the wealthy. Trump believes that getting rid of bad taxes helps out middle class. People are leaving because of high taxes. There is this "bureaucratic red tape" that prevents our nation from winning. Our country is being ripped off by the other countries in the world. We need money from other countries that we help out with our armies. 
Hillary claims she will support tax increase because it is for our benefit. She says that trump own millions to Wall Street. and attacks him by asking why he won't release his tax returns and says Trump hasn't paid federal tax income. But Hillary admitted to deleting millions of emails on a private site claiming it was a mistake. Trump revealed that she might not be worthy of trust because of this intentional decision.

One of the biggest subjects of this time is the argument of race. What Hillary states is that race sometimes determines how people are educated, treated in criminal justice areas, and where they live. We need to change the tension between cops and black people, restore trust, work with the police, gets guns out the hands of people who shouldn't use them. On her stance of "Stop and Frisk", she believed it is not right/ constitutional. She wants to come forward with a plan like a second chance program. Common sense gun safety would help out. But shouldn't we already have common sense now? What is going to make this change and what more can be done? But in the subject of people coming over from different countries, they need comprehensive background checks. Those on the terrorist watch list should not have guns and if they are not safe to fly, then they are not safe to have a gun. Claims Trump was sued twice for racial discrimination in businesses he owned.  
What Trump added to the issue was that we need law and order. African Americans and Hispanics are living in hell because of discrimination. Thousands of shootings are just in Chicago over the past few years. Gangs roaming the streets (lots are illegal immigrants claimed to be these shooters). Need more police, need better community relationships with police. His "Stop and Frisk" position was that it brought down murder rates and increased safety. And it was shown in the post debate discussions that when this stopped crime went up. He says that African American communities are abused by politicians when earning votes and abused by their lies.  

When questioned on the subject of securing America Hillary claims that cyber attacks are coming from Russia. Hackers in our systems are destroying us and we should intensify our air strikes against ISIS. Working with NATO will essentially turn our attention to terrorism by stating "An attack on one is an attack on all". 
Trump was concerned of the person or country who broke in to DNC saying it could be anyone, even a 400lb person sitting on his couch. He claims that under Obama, we have lost control of things in our country. There was vacuum created by Hillary and Barack when they wanted to invade Iraq. Against the war in Iraq, it has destabilized the middle east. We should have taken their oil because that was the source for ISIS.

Finally, Trump states that we are losing money when we protect those around the world with our armies and we don't get anything in return. This country cannot afford to have another bad deal with anything and he is right. We need to get something in return for America to prosper.
Hillary finishes with that we need to further peace and prosperity. Those trying to destabilize the world should not be allowed to be here in America. 

Being the first debate, this does not determine the outcome of the election but it can sway the minds of people on the opposite side. I personally agree more to the ideas of trump and his reasoning although he tends to rant too much and repeats himself a lot. When people go to vote this year in November, some will vote on what they believe, while others will simple vote on the "lesser of two evils." Vote because it is our right as citizens and appreciate the privilege we have in America.  

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