Friday, September 2, 2016

Babies Addicted to Drugs

Kids and adults of every age are filling their systems and ruining their minds with the one thing that has taken over; drugs. Ironically, so are babies. It is the mother that stimulates the addiction of drugs onto her child, leaving them with a mental problem or the body of a drug addict. Why is this denial of morality even considered? If we confront the problem, perhaps it will open the minds to the realness of this issue.

Specifically, in the article, it states that in Indiana, one in five babies is born addicted to drugs. This might not seem like a large number but this is only one state and for the U.S. it has more than tripled in the past decade. In America, around 13,539 babies are born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (babies addicted to drugs, NAS). Once they are born, the effects of the drug supply from their mother disappear and they suffer withdrawals. The whole time, this fetus was being bombarded by things that shouldn't even be near its body; proving for instance that a fetus is, in fact, a human being suffering. Not just another 'thing' in the womb that can be aborted after a few weeks. This results in both short-term and long-term consequences. The problem in this picture is the fact that the world tries to make this a medical problem instead of a moral problem. People don't want to face the facts that they are doing something wrong and the easiest thing for them to do is blame the drugs, not the person.

In my family, I have a lot of cousins that were born addicted to drugs and I've seen the effects. Most of them are not turning out well; they steal, lie, have barely any common sense, and are not mentally well. One of my closest cousins has ADHD. His real mom was a druggie and she gave him up for adoption soon after he was born. Most children with NAS end up in child protective services. He will probably be this way forever just because of the one thing his mom did.
Galatians 5:13 states, "For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another."
God gave us these bodies to use them for His glory, not trash them or especially hurt anybody else while we are simply 'living out our rent.'

The United States makes a lot of its money in developing drug culture and other labs designated for drugs which has taken over much of American land. If we can break down drug use and abuse, it may help the number of mentally disordered babies. 
"It is insane and impossible to believe that progress can be made merely on the medical front if the moral issues are not centrally confronted." 
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome is probably most common in causing mental retardation but it is 100% preventable. Something that can be scarce is more likely to happen just because they don't care. These effects of NAS are irreversible and last their whole life. We don't have to look too far for the idiocy that runs deep in the blood of our precious America.

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